Our unique approach unlocks insights where they happen. Working with your team we help transform your marketing efforts via strategic marketing, capability development and implementation.

What we do

Three specialisations. Three ways to make business better.

The Tripod team acts as an extension of yours to deliver the art and science of great marketing. We combine proven frameworks, tools, and processes with a uniquely hands-on approach to help big-thinking organisations and agencies plan strategies, execute effectively, and grow capability within the business. From managing global brands to building local ones. From launching new products to reinvigorating existing brands. From unlocking fresh insights to developing growth and innovation strategies. From portfolio, category, and innovation strategies to real-world application and analysis. From competitive intelligence to business issue identification and course correction strategies… you’ll be hard pressed to find anything in marketing we haven’t already done!

We Boost Capacity

Our team of marketing generalists and specialists can be called in to execute your projects with focus and ensure it meets your timeline and budget.

Why let lack of headspace and capacity get in the way of delivery? Our team has perfected the art and science of great marketing over decades, and seamlessly plug into your projects to hit the ground running from day one.

  • Project Scoping & Management
  • Branding
  • Commercialisation
  • Marketing & Marketing Services
  • Communications
  • Consumer Insights
  • Innovation
  • Planning Processes, Tools & Templates
  • Agency Models, Workplans and Rosters

We Build Capability

We’ll help take your people from good to great.

We upskill teams in both the theory and practice of best-in-class marketing and communications. Designed to inspire, our learning events combine frameworks, tools and processes with real-time outputs for real-world application.

  • Ehrenberg-Bass Laws of Growth Theory
  • Consumer / Customer Insights Modules
  • Ways of Marketing Models
  • Brand Plan Development Frameworks and Toolkits
  • Workshop Design, Stimulus Development, Facilitation and Output

We Craft Strategy

We’ll plan your success from the inside out.

We immerse ourselves in available data that generates insights to unlock growth opportunities for our actionable marketing, category, innovation or brand strategies to address. This rigorous analysis removes the guesswork and paves the way for clear implications and actions.

  • World-Class Brand and Marketing Strategy
  • Brand Positioning and Repositioning
  • Portfolio Planning and Category Strategy
  • Competitive Intelligence Analysis
  • Business Issue Identification and Course Correction Strategy
  • Innovation Ideation, Concept Creation and Commercialisation Plan

Ready to start a project?
Get in contact.